









20099 -20136 月,  黑龙江八一农垦大学生命科学技术学院生物技术学专业获学士学位;

20139- 2020 6 月,沈阳农业大学环球360会员注册作物学专业获博士学位(提前攻博)


20208-至今 环球360会员注册


(1) Du Yanli, Zhao Qiang, Chen Liru, Yao Xingdong, Zhang Huijun, Wu Junjiang, Xie Futi*. 2020. Effect of drought stress during soybean R2–R6 growth stages on sucrose metabolism in leaf and seed. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(2), 618.

(2) Du Yanli, Zhao Qiang, Chen Liru, Yao Xingdong, Xie Futi*. 2020. Effect of drought stress at reproductive stages on growth and nitrogen metabolism in soybean. Agronomy, 10(2), 302.

(3) Du Yanli, Zhao Qiang, Chen Liru, Yao Xingdong, Zhang Wei, Zhang Bo, Xie Futi*. 2020. Effect of drought stress on sugar metabolism in leaves and roots of soybean seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 146, 1-12.

(4) Du Yanli, Zhao Qiang, Li Shengyou, Yao Xingdong, Xie Futi*, Zhao Mingzhe*. 2019. Shoot/root interactions affect soybean photosynthetic traits and yield formation: a case study of grafting with record-yield cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 445.

(5) Zhao Qiang, Wang Hetong, Du Yanli, Rogers, Hilary J., Wu Zhixin, Jia Sen, Yao Xingdong, Xie Futi, Liu, W. 2020. MSH2 and MSH6 in mismatch repair system account for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) tolerance to cadmium toxicity by determing DNA damage response. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68: 1974-1985.

(6) Zhao Qiang, Du Yanli, Wang Hetong, Rogers Hilary J., Yu Cuimei, Liu Wan, Zhao Mingzhe, Xie Futi. 2019. 5-Azacytidine promotes shoot regeneration during Agrobacterium-mediated soybean transformation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 141, 40-50.

(7) Cao Xia, Wang Hetong, Zhuang Defeng, Zhu He, Du Yanli, Cheng Zhibo, Cui Weina, Rogers Hilary J., Zhang Qianru, Jia Chunjun, Yang Yuesuo, Tai Peidong, Xie Futi, Liu Wan. 2018. Roles of MSH2 and MSH6 in cadmium-induced G2/M checkpoint arrest in Arabidopsis roots. Chemosphere, 201, 586-594.